Outreach / Missions

April Mission Emphasis: Random Acts of Kindness

Each month the United Methodist Church focuses on different missions and ways to reach out to those in the community. For April, the emphasis is on Random Acts Of Kindness. So, throughout April, try and find different ways to show kindness. One really great thing you can do is to pay for the car behind you at McDonalds, Starbucks, or any other drive thru. You can also show kindness by helping someone out at the grocery store, or take a meal to one of the shut-ins in your community.  Be keeping your eyes out for other ways to show random acts of kindness, not just in April,  but year-round. God calls us to be His hands and feet, and showing kindness is just one of the ways that we are able to do that.


We are called to reach out and serve others. We do this through various mission projects throughout the year.

MethodistMensmUnited Methodist Men (UMM)—Men are important at Bethel United Methodist Church. Every man associated with the church is considered to be an active member of the “Rock Solid Men of Bethel UMC” – a great group of men who want to live according to the example of Christ through our work in the ministries of the church and through our outreach to others.

We put a high priority on men being men, building on friendship and our relationship with Christ. We have planning opportunities every other month at what Bethel calls its Mission Night Supper. We connect with other United Methodist Men through the structure of the United Methodist Church. Many opportunities for Christian service to the church and to others in the community are available through UMM. We are building on rock solid ground.

umw-logo2011United Methodist Women (UMW)— The purpose of UMW is:
“The Organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.”

The women of Bethel have organized a United Methodist Women’s group to fulfill our purpose for mission.  Bethel United Methodist Women meet monthly on Mission Night to plan ministries that fulfill our purpose. The Prayer Shawl Ministry is for those who are going through times of sickness and grief, as well as those who are celebrating the birth of new babies.

Our President, Ellie Brawn, leads us as we work to reach out to women, children and youth in our church, community and the world.

Other Outreach Ministries

GPS (God’s People Serving) – volunteers serve at this food bank in our community.

LICS (Lexington Interfaith Community Services) – we support this ministry.

Prayer Bears— Bethel folks carry Prayer Bears that have heard the Good News to those in the hospitals, nursing homes, children’s homes, and those who are shut-in. This is a ministry of our children & youth.

Nursing Homes – Visit and participate in worship services at nursing homes.

Epworth Children’s Home – Bethel folks collect and deliver school supplies and Christmas gifts for the children.

Health Kits – provide health kits in community and to Haiti.

Backpack Feeding Program – partner with Harvest Hope to fill 50 backpacks each week for Forts Pond Elementary School.

Salkehatchie Youth Summer Service – Youth participate in a week of service through one of over 25 camps around South Carolina, to help persons with home repair. http://www.salkehatchie.org/

UMVIM (United Methodist Volunteers in Mission) – send out volunteers on short-term work/mission teams to other parts of the world.

Mission Tree – collect hats, scarves, and gloves during the Advent/Christmas season for clothes closet at local school and homeless ministry.

Blankets for Homeless – collect fleece blankets, etc. for Homeless ministry.

Souper Bowl of Caring – the Sunday of the Super Bowl, our youth collect canned goods for our local food bank (GPS) and also collect money to help feed people in the community and in the United States who may not have much to eat.


© 2025 Bethel UMC Peachtree Rock