
Address: 811 Peachtree Rock Road, Lexington, SC 29073t_MaptoBethelUMC

View a map to Bethel United Methodist Church.


From Gaston:
Take Meadowfield Road past Sandhills Middle School until you reach S.C. Highway 6.
Turn right onto S.C. Highway 6.
Follow Highway 6 for 2 miles.
Turn right onto Bethel Church Road at the large Bethel United Methodist Church sign.
The church is just ahead.

From Lexington:
Take Highway 6 East, thru Red Bank.
Merge with Highway 302.
1.5 miles bear left staying Highway 6 towards Swansea.
Follow Highway 6 for 0.7 mile.
Turn left onto Bethel Church Road at the large Bethel United Methodist Church sign.
The church is just ahead.

From Pelion:
Take Highway 302 (Edmund Hwy) north, toward Columbia.
Travel 5 miles until S.C. Highway 6 turns to the right towards Swansea.
Follow Highway 6 for 0.7 mile.
Turn left onto Bethel Church Road at the large Bethel United Methodist Church sign.
The church is just ahead.

From Swansea:
Take S.C. Highway 6 west toward Lexington.
Follow Highway 6 for 9 miles.
Turn right onto Bethel Church Road at the large Bethel United Methodist Church sign.
The church is just ahead.

For more information call Kathryn or Robert Scarborough at 803-730-8577

© 2024 Bethel UMC Peachtree Rock